I’ll be having a show “Back Behind the Big Top” at Occasio Winery, May 21 – June 30th. I’ll be featuring my circus work as I was commissioned to do a painted wine box for their live auction lot at the beginning of May. I’ll also be at the winery on May 27th, 5:30 – 8:30 when they will be holding an artist reception pour moi! Please come if you’re near Livermore, CA – RSVP to info@occasiowinery.com
As many of my friends know, I love wine (must be the French!). I’ve been lucky enough to work with Occasio – John makes really small lot wines, and it’s really good stuff. I’m super excited he chose my work to be featured on their Petite Sirah box – he only made 100 cases of this wine and people are buying it up before it’s even released!
Hope you can make it on May 27th!